Few years back I had this sever urge to get my blog somewhere in Google's search results, I went through the internet searching for an answer by using the funniest phrases ever like, Where is my Blog? Why can't I see my Blog anywhere? And how do you get your Blog on a search result page? And so on.
Two days back I was inspired by many well developed Blogs, and there it was. My first attempt to claim Google's peak. I am not on top yet but my humble Blog turned out at the center of a search page in Google. Have a look at my previous post. You see the secret is in keeping at it. Do not neglect your Blog.. update it every now and then, have a sense of creativity and list down a number of pre-known names.. and wallllaaaa magic happens ;)
A friend told me that it’s a bit too vague to some people when you throw down a list of names that might sound to them like nonsense. Those were the names of companies, banks and establishments I translated some materials for. What is wrong with that someone might ask; it is the language as most of those companies have Arabic names.
So I decided I am going to give it a shoot and try to explain some of those names and how are they related to their business field throughout upcoming posts. Right now I'm too excited about my blog rank and I can't precisely tell if it is good or what but I'll keep on trying.
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